A commitment in the waste disposal industry always entails an obligation and responsibility towards the environment. Müllex Industrie-Müll-Transport GmbH & Co KG has always focused on the highest quality, cost-effectiveness, efficiency and adherence to schedules in the provision of waste disposal services.
Our company is certified as a specialized waste management company according to § 56 KrWG. In the Entsorgungsfachbetriebe-Verordnung (EfbV), the proper and transparent disposal of waste is regulated, so that the processes and procedures in our company can be traced and proven.
As a certified waste management company, the respect of legal regulations, safety regulations as well as the guarantee of transparency is not only required in the interest of all customers, employees and in the interest of the environment, but is a natural part of our business policy.
A close and trusting cooperation with our suppliers and customers not only promotes transparency and due diligence, but also ensures a win-win situation from which all parties benefit.